

Trusted services for the 存储 and logistics of high-value industrial materials

买球赛用什么app和网站服务的众多行业之一, industrial warehousing and industrial logistics in general cover the largest range of our customers. 工业物流就是运输, 存储, and 分布 of any industrial product throughout the supply chain. This broad definition allows us to work with a vast array of clients in numerous industries. That experience has provided us with a well-earned reputation when it comes to industrial logistics.

建筑材料,如钢和铅, 还有几片木头和几捆木材, 我们处理的是常见类型的工业材料吗. 工业物流还包括制造材料, 从组件到最终产品,如纸张和托盘.

墨菲的客户群很广. We even work with more niche products like solar panels and consumer goods, so we’ve become adept at handling almost anything our industrial clients need. Being efficient, adaptable, and ready for anything is a must for all industrial logistics companies.


为什么工业仓储和物流是一项专业服务? 工业 customers have special requirements to ensure their products are delivered on time for their essential roles in buildings, 建设, 景观, 和制造业. 效率是工业供应链的关键. 

通过与值得信赖的工业物流公司合作, 尤其是像墨菲这样可以提供工业仓储服务的公司, you are able to open up a line of fast communication to ensure timely order processing and efficient picking and 分布. These well-established procedures are set up to make sure delivery appointments are met and products are where they need to be when they need to be there, 保证一切都是安全的.

It’s worth noting that 存储 requirements and procedures often need to be customized or specialized when it comes to industrial warehousing space. While standard warehousing and pallet 存储 may be part of an industrial supply chain, many times there are other requirements that can only be met with a true industrial warehousing partner. 

超大存储通常涉及处理大型物品, 重, 形状奇怪的物品, 哪些需要使用专门的设备和熟练的操作人员. 这可能包括户外叉车, which are equipped with larger tires that help navigate outdoor weather conditions. Outdoor 存储 is a popular choice for many industrial clients as well, 并不是所有的标准仓储公司都能提供这种选择. 因为许多工业材料坚固耐用,可以在户外使用, 公司可以利用墨菲的大, 安全的院子空间,以储存更耐用的材料, 与传统的存储空间相比,节省了总成本.


While industrial customers often need our specially designed 存储 options, their logistics and 分布 requirements are extremely important to us as well. 自定义选择, 分布, and shipping solutions help each of our unique clients ensure a successful supply chain experience. 墨菲’s industrial logistics team works with clients to provide everything they need to keep their projects moving efficiently.

墨菲 also provides just-in-time shipping options to keep manufacturing lines operating around the clock. Customers can give our team shipping windows in which to deliver products, just as the production lines will be ready to use them so that there is little space or time wasted in the process.

Another solution we offer that sets us apart from other industrial logistics companies is our custom rail logistics option. 许多工业客户选择通过铁路运输产品到墨菲. Shipping via rail is a much more efficient way than using over-the-road trucking for long routes. A standard rail car can carry enough product to take as many as three to four trucks off the road, 每批. 储蓄的减少并非无人注意. When you take into consideration the environmental efforts with this solution, you can see why both 墨菲 and our clients often lean this way for long-haul industrial logistics.  

墨菲’s team can unload boxcars, high cube cars, and flat cars on-site. Our warehouse’s indoor rail siding can spot cars in our warehouse to help keep products out of the elements and our employees safe from bad weather. 墨菲 also ships products out of our warehouse via rail and handles rail transloads for industrial materials. 甚至我们的经纪团队也参与其中, 协调物流链的下一个阶段, 通过为特殊负载(如平板)固定越野运输工具, 提升式门服务, and site delivery to ensure consistent and reliable delivery of your products to their destination.


买球赛用什么app和网站 has worked hard to be a dependable industrial logistics partner. 我们随时准备帮助您定制您的物流解决方案.




买球赛用什么app和网站 has over a century of experience managing a wide range of industrial products. 我们有室内和室外储藏区, allowing for the safe 存储 of industrial items that are able to be outside as well as indoor warehousing for those that are not weather-safe. 

Common examples of our industrial logistics offerings include oversized and bulky items 比如机械, 建筑材料, 钢, 和木材, 以及许多其他防水和天气安全的项目和材料. 感谢我们的 铁路物流服务, we are able to receive and store many items that other companies simply cannot.


We understand that not all industrial materials require indoor 存储. 买球赛用什么app和网站公司有超过25万平方英尺的 工业户外存储 space, making us one of the largest providers of commercial outdoor 存储 space. 摩菲物流提供安全保障, expansive outdoor yards equipped with specialized forklifts designed to handle and navigate a variety of weather conditions. This cost-effective solution is ideal for storing durable and weather-proof products or materials, 比如机械, 设备, 建筑材料.

How do you handle the transportation of oversized or 重 industrial 设备?

买球赛用什么app和网站 is equipped to handle oversized and 重 industrial 设备. 我们经验丰富的团队可以管理整个运输过程, 包括许可, 用适当的机械装卸货物, 确保运送到你想要的地点.


是的,我们有. 我们的铁路物流,交叉对接,转运,还有 国际物流 services, we can handle a broad range of load sizes, no matter its destination. 作为一个中央考试站和美国.S. 清关检验中心, we have both the experience and capability of delivering exceptional 国际物流 solutions.


Safety of both personnel and inventory is a top priority at 买球赛用什么app和网站. 我们的工业买球用什么正规app配备了安全区, 标志清晰的消防出口, 适当的通风系统. 始终如一地争取最安全的工作环境, 我们还为所有员工提供全面的服务, 持续的安全培训.


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